Q: Are the products listed on the site authentic?

A: Yes they are 100% authentic.

Q: What's the shipping process?

A: Once payment is received and processed(1-3days), your item(s) will be immediately shipped out and depending on your shipping service will determine when you will receive it. 

Q: Will I get notified of my purchase?

A. You will receive confirmation on payment, and order updates as well as a valid tracking number.

Q. Can I customize my purchases or buy in bulk?

A. Yes just send an email to therealfutballersfc@gmail.com

Q. What if my item was wrong, lost, stolen, or damaged?

A. Feel free to send an email to therealfutballersfc@gmail.com to resolve the issue.

Q. Where can I contact you?

A. Please revert to the Contact Us page listed.